
Lace and Lightsabers

Everything from Fashion to Comics to Star Wars and Beyond!


Star Wars

[Bookworm Corner] Star Wars: Lost Stars

THANExCIENA! 4-ever! . . . I don't care what happened at the end of the book! They got married and had babies and lived a beautiful life filled with love and random trips to Naboo (cause it perfect for them! and... Continue Reading →

[Trailer Chatter] Star Wars: The Force Awakens It's true. It's all true. Star Wars: The Force Awakens dropped last night and then all chaos broke loss. I spent the hour before on Skype hanging out with the likes of Eric Geller and the cast of Far... Continue Reading →

Off the Shelves: Cold Comic Catch up

Summer gives way to Autumn. The seasons turn and with it we exchange sunglasses for tissues. At least I and others did, catching the typical seasonal cold. While I battled the onslaught of this terrible productivity sucker that had left... Continue Reading →

Review: Star Wars Aftermath

Read it how you please, just don't hold to your preconceptions that the Golden Trio's post RoTJ stories will be detailed here. Interludes in, interludes first, or read the interludes at the end. No matter how you choose to read... Continue Reading →

To Go or not to Go: A Force Friday Engagement

There are quite a few hours till Force Friday hits North America and the weekend explodes with Star Wars events, specials and sales. To some though this weekend is all for the toy lovers, the collectors and not them. Sure... Continue Reading →

Emergency Fangirl Report: The (Speed)Force Awakens Covers, Books and Promos. Oh My!

Last week was a good week for good fangirls and boys as iTunes and Empire drops doors at our social media and iBook doors. Starting if off were the amazing collector edition fold out covers that Empire Magazine shared on... Continue Reading →

Off the Shelves: Smooth Talking and School Drama

Magic. It's one of my favorite things about fantasy. Whether it's urban, sci-fi, or adventure the element of magic brings with it a sense of possibilities. These possibilities are often tempered by story and plot, or the limitation of the... Continue Reading →

Fangirl Report: Hijacking the Holonet

Star Wars has never been hotter, but while the summer sizzles over this winter movie. We must also prepare ourselves for the coming TV season which is also heating up! We've got other movies popping up and slapping down some... Continue Reading →

Emergency Fangirl Report: Hijacking the Holonet

There has been a lot of Star Wars news. Have you seen it? Both the gaming world and the TV is getting new Star Wars! Grab your lightsabers and prepare yourself for the short onslaught of Star Wars goodness. For... Continue Reading →

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